Guadaloupe Downwind Camp with Woo
January 2018. Guadeloupe Downwind Camp. Woo. Let's just start with the action, my first successful downwind: This is an edited version of an approximate 10K downwind run from Petite Anes to St. Francois. I don't wear a GPS, so the paddle path is general, based on our southerly trek against the wind and waves until we turned east to make the downwind run. My technique is truly lacking here, but I started to get the feel for timing, and I did not huli . Which is a little remarkable given some of the action. I am a novice OC1 paddler, or as my new paddler friend J.P. told me in French, a debutante . Fool might be a more appropriate word. What was I thinking taking on the Caribbean Ocean? This was probably my 8th paddle in an OC1 ever . I had spent more time fixing my canoe than I did paddling it during the 2017 season. (Vintage Puakea Kaku, see previous repair blog entries). I did get to spend a lot of quality time in an OC2 in the New York harbor and signing up for Woo ...